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Worship with Us

Sundays at 10:00 AM

Recordings of our sermons and music are also available on our YouTube channel.

Upcoming Events

Discussing The Chosen

Sunday, February 23, at 11:30 am

Watch at home, then join the conversation as we reflect on 
Season 1, episode 2.
Light lunch and childcare provided.


Annual Food Drive

The Justice & Service board invites you to participate in our annual food drive for Westside Food Bank! Please bring non-perishable food items to the barrel in the Narthex through Sunday, March 3.

Pastor Kirsten Linford

Come and see what is happening in our vibrant, ecumenical, open and affirming congregation. Explore our life of worship, service, learning, and care. Check out our programs for children, youth, and adults. Feed your spirit, nurture your soul and find new friends. No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. 

Blessings, Reverend Kirsten Linford

Would you like us to pray for you? Please feel free to share your confidential prayer requests. 

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