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Practicing Stewardship

What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me –practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.


Philippians 4:9

Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress 

I Timothy 4:15

Our stewardship campaign will be kicking off this Sunday with the theme, “Practicing Stewardship.” Have you ever thought about the word, ‘practice?’ Of course, the word ‘practice’ can be used as a noun (i.e. a yoga practice, a prayer practice). But it is, more importantly, a verb. Doctors say that they practice medicine. Spiritual folks often speak of practicing meditation. Children are taught that “Practice makes progress.” (Because ‘perfect’ doesn’t really exist, but progress is usually possible.) And for all of us who follow Christ, our faith is something we put into practice – into action – to bring our beliefs alive. Stewardship is one important way that we practice our faith. Stewardship is active, involved, engaged and engaging. Practicing stewardship over a number of years makes meaning in our lives, gives us purpose, draws us closer to God, and impacts our community and the larger world.

When we practice stewardship – sharing our time, talent, and treasure with our congregation, with the world, and with God – then we live our values in our daily lives. You have already been giving through your financial support of our church’s mission in our community and our world. The Stewardship board and I thank you so much for the contributions you have made. We have been able to do important work because of your gifts. We would like to ask each family to prayerfully consider making a pledge for your financial giving for the coming year. Of course, we understand that life circumstances can change. Please know that pledges can be adjusted at any time. Pledging will simply allow us to see where we are and plan for where we might go. Your giving will allow us to continue and even grow our missions of caring for our children and youth, utilizing and sharing our facilities, standing with migrants and refugees, showing forth love and justice, and supporting our community, our world, and people in need. There is so much we can do when we join together in practicing stewardship.


Thank you again, so very much, for your generous support of our church’s mission and ministry.




Rev. Kirsten Linford       

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